Tuesday, July 9, 2013

World Christian Doctors Network all around the world

The World Christian Doctors Network (WCDN), with main office in Seoul, South Korea has been ministering in different parts of the world, collecting a documentary, which proves healing cases, reports the press-center of the ministry.
Specifically for this purpose the ministry has been conducting medical conferences around the world. During the conferences local Christian doctors share testimonies of God's healing, confirmed by medical records and medical history of the healed person. The unchristian doctors have been invited to these conferences to be acquainting with the Gospel, through such testimonies.
“The Christian doctors who participated in such conferences, strengthened their faith, when they were hearing about the cases of supernatural healing in the practice of their colleagues, as well as seeing it in their own practice,” said Dr. Gilbert Chae, a surgeon and president of the World Network of Christian doctors. “And for secular doctors these testimonies are a sign of God's power and love. Through them, they could turn to God.”

The last conference was held in Kenya, Africa, where eight cases of divine healing were presented, documentary confirmed, four of which God had done through the prayers of JaeRock Lee, the senior pastor of Manmin church through laying a handkerchief and praying .
Dzhunsung Dr. Kim, a pediatrician from Ulsan University Hospital, presented several cases of improvement of visual acuity through a prayer, and Dr. Changkyun Young, director of Bansuk Internal Medicine-Radiology, told about the healing of invasive ductal carcinoma. The Kenyan Dr. Edith Opal told about the supernatural healing of a former Sudanese police officer, who suffered from paralysis of the lower limbs. After the prayer of Bishop Mion Ho Chong, the chairman of the United Holiness Church of Jesus Christ in Africa, the policeman got out of a wheelchair and walked. Brian S. Yeo presented the case of the healing of sisters from Thailand,


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