Motivation Tips

Man ‘s destiny in God is to prove God on earth, being his representative just like God, if he were on earth, in charge, of great character , holy in conduct, dignified, great in impact, of greatness, full of glory wisdom, honour e.t.c

 There’s however a connection between destiny, righteousness, wisdom and greatness. Destiny is God predetermined plan, a settled plan for man by God Luke 1:30-33, indicate that every believer has a settled plan in Christ as the seed of Abraham (Galatians 4:28). It is not a function of how much of education ones has neither is it a function of mental, intelligence or human connection. Without God you get nothing, nobody becomes great without the hand OF God. An example is R.G Letourneau of blessed memory, a school dropout, failed in business more than eight (8) times; became bankrupt and frustrated, suddenly discovered Matthew 6:33 and understood its meaning. He later turned out as a business mogul involved in invention, development and manufacture of motor and earth moving equipment used in world war 11 supplied by his firm . established a university, had a private jet as at early 1940’s and he was  involved in over eight preaching outineg per week even though he was not an ordained minister.
    Our destiny is glorious, but it has to be achieved by personal responsibility just like Daniel (Daniel 1:8-9). He purpose in his heart to live a life that is pleasing to God. The reason why many are frustrated in life is because they are willing to make it without God.
Divine greatness does not just happen, it has to be worked out based on commitment right choice.
If you do not put God first in life, you can never emerge a God in life, everybody that encountered destiny were God seekers, if you do not press into God you cannot get any prize. Luke 6:16
   The greatness attain is determined by the press we engage. A csual approach in seeking God cannot result in a glorious result. There is no spare life each man only has one life to live hence the need to give God one best. Don’t abort your destiny by playing games with the things of God, By Being Careless with righteousness.
    To be safe, just put God first, whether you go abroad or you stay at home, no matter your home location on earth you will emerge great. Divine greatness do not just happen, it is worked out by not defiling one’s self with sin, 1 Tim 4:7-8.
      Greatness is believer’s portion but the fear of the lord is the highway. Wisdom and understanding are God’s plan but it will require a press to obtain it this is the story in life of all kingdom great as Job, job 1:1-3, Ussiah, 1 chronicles 26:1-5, and Abraham e.t.c. they were all God seekers.
This greatness of God Can be attained by using these keys:
v Be born again (salvation)
v Choose to put God first e.g. Joseph who chose not to sleep with portiphar’s  wife
v Walk with God by exercising yourself unto Godliness
v Engage the help of the Holy spirit
v Prayers, live a life of continued prayers.
You too can be great. Your portion in greatness is secure in God, but you engage the covenant path of godliness to realize it. You shall be great in Jesus name.
Godliness remains the covenant gateway to greatness. It is all about putting god first and experiencing his lifting hand into greatness
Article: from Pst David Bamgboye


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